He has completed MBBS (MD) in 1997 at Saint-Petersburg Pediatric Medical Academy, Russia. He has done MPhil in Child Health and Nutrition at University of Bergen, Centre for International Health, Norway. Dr. Chandyo completed his PhD on “Zinc, iron and infection-studies in children and women in Nepal” from the University of Bergen, Norway in 2011. Currently, he is an Associate Professor at the Department of Community medicine.
His initial research studies mainly focused on impact of micronutrient status on common infection such as diarrhea and pneumonia among children in Bhaktapur. He was a co-investigator for a large community based clinical trial on zinc for acute diarrhea and results from this study contributed for WHO recommendation of zinc for the treatment of diarrhea in children. He was also one of the field investigators for a multi-country cohort study on malnutrition and enteric disease (MAL-ED) funded by Gates Foundation and community based COPD screening study (Global Excellence on COPD Outcomes) with support from University College of London.
Currently, Dr Chandyo’ s studies are focusing on impact of vitamin B12 supplementation for pregnant women and infant on growth and cognitive development. Recently, his team have complemented vitamin B12 supplementation clinical trial where 600 marginally stunted infants were given vitamin B12 for one year period and assessed growth and cognitive development which was funded by Thrasher Research Fund. With the joint collaboration with University of Bergen, Norway, a large clinical trial on vitamin B12 is currently ongoing where 800 pregnant mothers in first trimester are participating and outcomes on child’s growth and cognitive development will be measured at 1 and 2 years of age.